On our recent visit to Aqua2013 one of the companies we were particularly interested in revisiting was NT Labs. Having reviewed some of their products before we’ve already found them to be both effective and reasonably priced. As helpful and enthusiastic as ever, they were more than happy to show us their range and we were immediately interested by two new marine flake offerings – Ocean Flake with Garlic and Algae Flake with Garlic. Jump forward a couple of weeks and with samples delivered we set about seeing just how they’d perform in a ‘real reef’. First impressions were fine… these flakes are packaged in the usual sealed twist-lid pots to ensure they stay fresh, even once opened. The packaging is nice and clear too so you won’t have to overly scrutinise each pot to see what you are adding. Out of curiosity we weighed each pot and the reading matched the claimed weight. Between the fingers, the consistency feels quite dry and brittle compared to some other brands. This is fine if you want to feed larger sections, or if you want to grind them up into quite fine particles. We would add that you are likely to be left with small pieces when you reach the end of the pot. All our fish took both kinds of flake immediately as expected… so all good there! Let’s look at specific ingredients: More: Review: NT Labs ‘Marine Flake with Garlic’ Range… More:
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