Klein’s butterflyfish (Chaetodon kleinii)The word “beginner” and “butterflyfish” aren’t often paired together, as so many of the butterflyfishes seem to present some manner of husbandry challenge, often related to diet. Still, certain butterflies have a well-deserved reputation for hardiness and general ease of care. Among them is Chaetodon kleinii, commonly called Klein’s butterflyfish but also known by a variety of other epithets, such as the sunburst butterflyfish, orange butterflyfish, brown butterflyfish, blacklip butterflyfish, Corallicola butterflyfish, and probably a few others I’m not aware of. Physical traits Reaching between 5 and 6 inches in total length, C. kleinii exhibits the laterally compressed body typical of butterflies and is mostly golden-yellow on the posterior half of the body. From about mid-body forward, the base coloration becomes more creamy white, with a vertical dusky-brown band occurring just behind the operculum (gill cover), a vertical black band passing through the eye, and black lips.
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