In shocking and breaking news Petco company has announced its acquisition of the online pet product retail mogul Dr. Foster and Smith. Owned by veterinarians the online retail outlet Dr. Foster and Smith has a saltwater division that supplies live coral to customers all over the united states called LiveAquaria (DiversDen). The terms have already been agreed upon and LiveAquaria’s director was quoted saying “Things will be business as usual here at Drs. Foster and Smith. That’s all the information we have at the moment as this is brand new, but thanks for asking. We are excited about what it means for our company!” Petco’s CEO Jim Meyers is quoted in a prepared statement saying the acquisition “underscores our commitment to nurturing the complete health and well-being of animals and further allows Petco to meet the diverse and expansive needs of pet parents.” The acquisition is slatted to be complete early 2015 without disclosure of terms. … More:
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