Today there are so many aquarium additives and devices on the market, it’s easy for aquarists to become overwhelmed, when trying to decide how to maintain a healthy reef. Some additives claim to make aquarium water crystal clear, while others offer to reduce nitrates, phosphates and instantly cycle the aquarium. Over the years, I’ve stumbled on a few products that I couldn’t live without. These items make you wonder what you did before you discovered them. In an attempt to give aquarists some guidance, and share my experience with a variety of products, I offer the following compilation.
I’ve been a zeo-head for a while, and adopted this method of keeping corals healthy back when it was first gaining traction. While I wouldn’t say that zeovit has gone mainstream, it has grown in popularity. There was a time, when mentioning zeovit only got confused stares from fellow aquarists. For me Korallen Zucht has the best, all inclusive, zeovit program on the market. Everything from zeovit media, additives, all the way up to salt mix and carbon – combine to create a complete zeovit package, which also aids reefers looking to achieve ultra-low nutrient systems (ULNS), along with natural seawater conditions. I’ve liked nearly every product Korallen Zucht has released, and used their Bio-Denitrator years and years ago, long before bio-pellets and zeovit even hit the reefing radar.
AVAST Marine Works offers high quality equipment, that’s not only innovative, but can also teach you a lot about reef aquarium machinery, by allowing you to assemble it yourself. Their vibe reactor is, IMHO, the best reactor on the market for those using zeovit. A major pain when implementing the filtration media, is having to use an integrated handle on the reactor, to stir up the stones and release precious mulm (bacterial slime) for your corals to feed on. Not only does the vibe include a vibratory plate and motor to shake the media for you, it does a wonderful job of it. Combining the vibe with a controller, or simple timer creates a hands off approach to implementing zeovit, and also does a better job stirring the media than manually shaking.
Ecotech revolutionized what a circulation pump was by releasing the original Vortech. Since then, they have been moving at a fast pace, constantly making the products better.… More:
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