We are very pleased to present our first podcast in a new monthly series we’re calling Reef Threads Plus. In these podcasts we’ll choose a single topic and discuss it in depth with experts/knowledgeable people. For our first Plus podcast, Ben Johnson, Ret Talbot, and Jim Walters discuss what the hobby will be like if we reach a point at which we are no longer able to collect/import reef animals. As always, you can download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter @reefthreads. We hope you enjoy our new series, find it thought provoking, and will share it with others.—Gary and Christine
Ben Johnson, Captive Aquatic Ecosystems
Ben Johnson’s Captive Aquatic Ecosystems website
Ret Talbot’s Good Catch Blog
Ret Talbot’s Good Catch Blog
Jim Walters’ Old Town Aquarium
Jim Walters’ Old Town Aquarium website
The post Reef Threads Plus #1 appeared first on reefs.com.