As we often discuss here at Saltwater Smarts, one of the frustrating aspects of the marine aquarium hobby is the fact that some of the species commonly or occasionally available in the trade have no business in the average hobbyist’s aquarium. Some of these species grow way too large for virtually any home aquarium, some have a highly specialized diet that is impractical or impossible to replicate in captivity, and some are just too sensitive to endure the rigors of capture, prolonged shipping, and repeated acclimation to different systems. But we also need to add to that list the various cool-water species that are misrepresented (whether intentionally or unwittingly) as tropical species and sold to unwary hobbyists. Here’s a sampling of the species you might come across that can be maintained in cool-water marine systems but won’t last long in the average tropical aquarium: The Catalina goby Catalina goby (Lythrypnus dalli)With its stunning reddish-orange coloration and electric-blue stripes, the Catalina, or bluebanded, goby (Lythrypnus dalli) is a real eyecatcher. Couple its good looks with its diminutive size and peaceful disposition, and you’ve got an ideal reef tank resident, right? Not so much, unfortunately. L. dalli hails from the Eastern Pacific (from the Gulf of California to Equador and north to Peru according to FishBase) and thrives in waters ranging in temperature from the mid 60s to low 70s Fahrenheit More: Cool-Water Marine Species Sometimes Sold as Tropicals… More:
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