Green Star Polyps can grow rapidly and encrust live rock, other corals, substrate, aquarium walls, and more.I have a confession to make. When I mention my 75-gallon “reef tank” in my posts here at Saltwater Smarts, I’m not being entirely truthful in my terminology. When I first set up the tank almost 14 years ago and over many of the ensuing years, it could accurately be described as a reef system. It contained a nice mix of soft corals and a few large-polyp stony corals to boot. Today, a better descriptor for the tank might be “Green Star Polyp Paradise” or perhaps “The Green, Green Polyps of Home.” Why? Through my own benign neglect, approximately two-thirds of the tank has now become completely overrun with green star polyps. Most of the rocks are smothered with the stuff, and the only corals that haven’t yet succumbed to the “Creeping Green Menace” are a gorgonian (though the star polyps are doing their level best to gain a purchase on it), a finger leather coral located at the far left-hand side of the tank, and an open brain coral situated toward the front right-hand side of the tank and more or less out of reach of the star polyps (for the moment). Oh, and did I mention much of the tank’s back pane is covered with pulsing Xenia More: Corals Gone Wild: Don’t Let Encrusting Polyps Take Over Your Tank!… More:
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