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Can ozone cure ich?


ozone-technology-for-aquatic-installations-1-728Aquarists become so desperate during an ich outbreak that often they will do anything to cure their fish and return the tank to harmony. While ich isn’t often fatal, various species react different to the parasite and without treatment it can become like a plague, looming over the aquarist’s head as more and more fish fall victim. If the parasite infects gill tissue, the fish’s respiration rate increases giving the parasite the upper hand.  It was an ich invasion years ago that forced me to separate my fish and reef aquariums, creating two distinct systems. Treatments for external parasites on fish are 99% of the time fatal to corals and invertebrates. It seems like even when treatment is administered or fish develop natural immunity, ich has a way of making a grand appearance from time to time. Water borne parasites are usually highly contagious in captivity. In the wild, natural currents along with environmental factors make external parasite infections far less common. In aquaria, where we are operating a closed system, the perfect environment for these simple life forms is created. Curing an outbreak of ich can be a nightmare, not only because the parasite is quite resilient, but also because truly curing it requires a lot of work. Netting all the fish from the tank, moving them into a hospital aquarium and treating them, while the main tank remains fallow for a period in excess of a month. Considering this is impossible for some aquarists (due to space or time restrictions) some have wondered if ozone can cure an ich outbreak. How ozone works:tmcozonegeneratorinstructionsI previously talked about ozone in another post, so I won’t break open the intricate details and benefits of using it here. Ozone does have a chlorine like effect on water, oxidizing nutrients and killing pathogens. Ozone is confined to a reactor connected to the aquarium, most often the protein skimmer. Any residual ozone entering the aquarium would spell disaster for livestock, so the gas is filtered out via carbon before entering the water. This means that ozone is never present in aquarium water, but simply completes its reaction within the skimmer before being filtered out. In reality, ozone in and of itself doesn’t offer the benefits normally touted when implementing an ozone generator. The benefits come in the form of having water with a higher oxygen redox potential, which thus gives the tank’s bacterial filter a head start at breaking down waste.… More:

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