I have the honor of working with Todd Gardner at his phenomenal Marine Lab at the Suffolk County Community College. Our aim is to provide a world class aquatic education to the students at the school, and to that end, this lab is shaping up to be quite the workplace. A myriad of fascinating marine creatures are not only surviving but thriving here, from captive bred Personatus Angels to locally caught and raised Caribbean tropicals. Running a lab like this requires man hours, know how, and, as all hobbyists know, plenty of equipment; filters, media, additives, and food expenses add up very quickly. For a marine lab with a limited budget, the generous donation of filters, food, and supplies from Two Little Fishies is a huge help. I use Two Little Fishies products at ReefGen as well as at the marine lab, and can count on everything I receive from them to be consistently top-of-the-line. Needless to say, it was very exciting to receive our TLF care package. Thanks again to Julian and company, and I look forward to bringing you updates on some of the happenings in Todd’s lab.… More:
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