A biotope can serve as inspiration for your aquarium, but what exactly is it?For today’s post, I’d like to take a slightly different tack than usual. By presenting my meandering thought process on the concept of marine biotope aquariums, I’m hoping to elicit some input from you, my fellow salties, on precisely how to define this term—or if we can even agree on a definition at all. The question, as I see it, is one of scope. If we assume a biotope tank is an attempt to replicate a specific natural marine habitat, then how narrowly should we define that? In other words, where does a generalized tank end and a biotope begin? Is it:A tank representing a particular ocean or sea? As regular salties know, all the livestock in “Caribbean Chris’s” tank is found only in the Caribbean Sea. In fact, Chris seems to regard the existence of other seas/oceans the same way one might the existence of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster—with skepticism
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