Coral Beauty Angelfish (C. bispinosa)If you have a real yen for marine angelfishes but lack the tank space to accommodate one of the large iconic species, such as the queen angel (Holacanthus ciliaris) or French angel (Pomacanthus paru), you’ll be pleased to know that some really beautiful angelfishes actually come in fairly small packages. Of course, I’m referring to the dwarf angelfishes of the genus Centropyge. One of the dwarf angels that I would give high marks for its reasonable degree of hardiness, stunning good looks, and overall aquarium worthiness is the coral beauty (Centropyge bispinosa). Physical traits Somewhat oval-shaped and reaching about 4 inches in maximum length, C. bispinosa is deep-blue overall with yellowish- or reddish-orange streaked with blue on the flanks. However, there is considerable variation in coloration and patterning among individuals More: Keeping the Aptly Named Coral Beauty Angelfish… More:
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