Orphek recently presented a new LED pendant, the Atlantik P300. Designed specifically for large aquariums, it can successfully replace HQi 1000 watt lamps! I recently received a pendant for testing, and I’m happy to have the chance to photograph it and share with you the beauty of this fixture. I plan to first test it with my test equipment and then try it with live coral. It power is similar to the Giesemann Galaxy 500 LED, which I had the chance to see at Interzoo in Nuremberg.
The ATP 300 doesn’t come with a controller, but can be controlled by APEX, GHL, or any other controller capable of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control. It is also compatible with any 0-10V dimmer and I plan to experiment with this. The pendant, as you can see from the photographs, is passively cooled; there are no fans or moving parts, and the whole outer shell acts as a huge aluminum heat radiator. The surface protection of the LEDs is a very good quality acrylic, and is easily replaceable. The pendant measures 13.78 inches in diameter and 16.34 inches in height.
The LEDs are 90 Dual Chip 5 watt, but are operating at just under 3 watts to reduce heat and prolong the life of the bulbs, a really clever idea of Orphek. The net power consumption is 240-250 watts. An interesting feature of this product is that the number and arrangement of the LEDs can be adjusted to suit your needs, it has a standard version, but it can be customized when ordering. I look forward to testing this beautiful monster and seeing how it will behave in a real aquarium.… More:
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