On Friday, the U.S. Coast Guard, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and a whale rescue expert, responded to a distressed Blue Whale that was entangled in fishing line and tethered to a red buoy, off the California Coast. The rescue team worked until Friday evening to try and get the Blue Whale free, and then suspended the rescue efforts at nightfall. When the team returned the next morning, the Whale was gone. Search efforts went into effect almost immediately. A plane, helicopter and boat searched Saturday for the Blue Whale, without any success. On Monday, a boater is believed to have spotted the missing blue whale, still entangled in the netting and carrying the red buoy. The Whale was believed to be seen near the Coronado Islands in Mexico. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stated that they will continue the rescue efforts if the Whale comes back into the United States. However, they are in contact with a rescue team in Mexico, if the Blue Whale does not come back into U.S. Waters. With lengths up to 100 feet and weighing up to 150 tons, Blue Whales are the largest extant animals and the heaviest known to exist on the planet. Blue Whales are one of the World’s most endangered whales. Lets hope the rescue team, whether in Mexico or the United States, is able to find this whale and remove the fishing line and buoy soon. MORE… More:
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