Oceanic Institute of Hawaii Pacific University is making some great headway with rearing Yellow Tangs! Check out the videos of the 36dph and 49dph groups at the Rising Tide Facebook Page: http://on.fb.me/1hEwIUf "The [Yellow Tang] group that is 70dph only has a handful remaining, and just a couple of that handful look like the photo. We are observing a pretty significant gap in development within cohorts, where some fish are extremely stunted compared to their siblings. However, we are really excited to be seeing the dorsal and anal fins forming, which is signaling that the transition to settlement is close! The next group that we have is 49 dph today and many of these fish appear similar in development to our day 70 group. This tank has more than 100 remaining, and they appear really strong, much more lively and active than the day 70 group did at the same age.
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