Tomorrow, Saturday March 4, will be a big day for yours truly. I will be speaking at the Frag Farmers Market at E.O. Smith High School, as well displaying a large selection of my latest corals at a booth throughout the day. The coral swap and sale is in Storrs, CT, from 11:00-5:00 and features over 50 vendors from throughout the region with thousands of corals for sale, as well as a huge raffle. I will also have my brand-new coral foods, ChalicePower and NutriGorg, distributed by Two Little Fishies available for sale. It’s an honor to work with such an established and respected company to bring some of my creations to hobbyists across the world. I formulated these foods to specifically meet the challenges of the specific feeding methods and nutritional requirements of these different groups of coral. ChalicePower is negatively buoyant and cuts right down through the water column, settling on the mucous layer of the coral. The coral is then able to easily transport the food to its mouths via cilia on the coral colony’s surface, without smothering the tissue underneath. NutriGorg stays suspended in the water column to feed small-polyp coral such as Gorgonians. They are now available at our Hunting Station location across from Walt Whitman Mall. You can also come by and talk to me tomorrow at the Frag Farmer’s Market in CT, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have!… More:
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