After several months of growth and the occasional disturbance to our aquascape, we recently had chance to round-up some of the various fragments that had naturally ended up lying around on the substrate in our test tank. Rather than using them to start new colonies on the aquascape though we decided we’d get hold of a frag rack and see if we could grow these on to trade with other hobbyists. At the end of the day, any extra money we could generate would be very useful in continuing to run and stock the system.
So, having been impressed with Little Oceans products previously, we dropped them a note and soon had 2 different racks in our possession to trial. In the hand, each rack felt well-fabricated being formed from a single piece of 3mm clear acrylic (the plate holding the shelf steady from the outside is made from black acrylic with logo cut-out and magnets of course). On the rack, holes (12mm) and edges were well-finished showing a high degree of precision and attention to detail in the manufacturing process. More: Review: Little Ocean Frag Racks and Plugs… More:
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