Long considered the must have lighting unit to hang over your glass box of reef fish and corals, Giesemann kind of faded into the background when the LED revolution smothered our hobby. In hindsight, the German based aquarium lighting company simply retreated into R&D mode to fine tune and refine their offerings, and on debut of their LED systems, the Teszla and Futura models, it was clear that Giesemann is still the juggernaut it has always been in this hobby. The LED revolution has shifted from new to common place, Giesemann continue to push forward and have recently announced some new functionality for their LED units namely ‘Sunshift’ and pre-configured profiles. New ‘Sunshift’ feature For Futura / Futura-S platform Unlike most luminair or multi module LED arrays which work on a parallel programming platform, meaning that all lamps within an array are usually tied to the same or single profile for lighting phases, the Futura has always had the capacity to run More: Giesemann introduces Sunshift, pre-configured profiles & a support forum… More:
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