A few years ago, if you asked me about Astreopora or Cyphastrea, I probably would not have a whole lot to contribute to the discussion. They were (and still are to a large degree) some of the most rare corals imported and seldom seen in stores. I still remember the first time I saw a “Meteor Shower” Cyphastrea and was blown away by its incredible contrast of red and blue. Over the years, more and more color morphs made their way stateside and, thankfully, people started propagating them. They are similar… On our website, we try our best to separate corals into their respective categories to make it easier to shop for stuff, and occasionally we run into close calls like Cyphastrea and Astreopora that are sometimes really difficult to tell apart. Obviously, their appearance is similar. They have small polyps that grow out from a web-like, textured coenosteum (calcareous skeleton). More: Astreopora and Cyphastrea—So Similar, Yet Different… More:
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