Somewhere around age 40, I passed a point of no return with respect to bodily aches and pains. In my younger, carefree days, when the various jobs I worked demanded a lot of heavy lifting, I could pretty much tell my body what I wanted it to do and it would comply of necessity. Nowadays, the roles have reversed. If I try to override my body’s limitations and make it do what it doesn’t want to do, I’m sure to pay a heavy price. You see, I have a disc issue in my cervical spine that flares up from time to time, causing severe pain that radiates down my right arm. Chiropractic care and physical therapy have helped me keep the pain and nerve damage under control and stave off surgery, but the problem still puts limits on how well I can function—including my ability to perform routine maintenance, such as water changes, on my marine aquariums. More: Back Pain and the Big Marine Aquarium… More:
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