There is no hard-and-fast rule regarding the space requirements for fish in captivity. Indeed, this value varies greatly from one species to the next. However, instead of relying on guesswork, try the following method to accurately assess the space needs of your fish as they grow: 1) Determine the maximum adult size of the fish This can be done by looking up the species at There you’ll find the maximum recorded length for that species in the wild. An informal study at one public aquarium showed that, on average, long-term captive fish typical of those housed in home aquariums reached only 66 to 75% of the maximum length for that species listed on FishBase. Therefore, multiplying the given maximum length by 0.75 will give a reasonable estimate of how large that species will grow in an aquarium. If this value is greater than 80% of the width of the aquarium you have available, then that species will definitely grow too large for those accommodations (the fish need to be able to turn around freely) More: How to Estimate the Right Aquarium Size for Any Given Fish Species… More:
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