Less attitude and a brilliant blue body with bright yellow tail make C. parasema quite an appealing little damselfish!Ask the average marine aquarium hobbyist to identify the most aggressive coral-reef fishes, and the damselfishes of the family Pomacentridae are likely to be placed somewhere very close to the top of the list. For many damsel species, the reputation for belligerence is well deserved. However, there are some noteworthy exceptions — damsels that are actually fairly docile and apt to coexist peacefully with a wide variety of tankmates. Among them is the popular yellowtail blue damsel (Chrysiptera parasema). Physical characteristics C. parasema is truly a gem of a fish. Its body is a lustrous blue overall. Depending on the lighting over the aquarium, this coloration can take on brighter or deeper hues or even appear purple or almost black. As the common name suggests, the tail and caudal peduncle are bright yellow More: Chrysiptera parasema: a Gem of a Damsel… More:
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