Discovery News posted this a few days ago but I seemed to have missed it until late last night (ok, super early this morning). The Hydroelectric Tidal House, the brainchild of architectural designer Margot Krasojević, harvests tidal energy and converts it into electrical current. Krasojević was inspired by some of the ocean’s most bizarre creatures, such as echinoderms like starfish and sea urchins. The nautical abode sports a turbine system of magnets and copper wire coils stored in an electrostatic capacitor. This is far from the first strange and unique concept Krasojević has proposed. Check out his ideas for an electric coral reef station, a cliff-hanger hotel (I need to book a room immediately here), and a 3D printed sea shell shaped lamp. I’d love to see what other brilliant ideas this man has in store for us – I like the way his mind works. I’m also really curious as to what the inside of the echinoderm structure would look like.… More:
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