Ever the traveler, I’m set to hit Oregon to check out the spooky ambiance that’s looming in at the Oregon Coast Aquarium on October 25, 2014. Zombified individuals will scare the swim shorts off of visitors as they try their very best to take in the stunning marine fauna from 6:30 ’til 8:30 p.m. The event is dubbed “Creatures of the Night”. All the fright is for a good cause - OCA hosts the annual event to raise food for Food Share of Lincoln County just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, and pet food for the Lincoln County Animal Shelter. Here’s a link to the cited site, apologies for the “click here to purchase full article”, I’m all about free press! I’d love to make it to this, but alas, it’s so very close and my other endeavors have my bank account so very tight. I should resist the urge to wander here.… More:
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