Trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus
Good morning friends, did you all have a wonderful Easter vacation??? I had a four day holiday and was busy from sun-up till down-down every single day with watering my baby agaves, dog walks, diving...
View ArticleTurbo Charged Algae Scrubbing: The Pax Bellum ARID
15-20 years ago, algae scrubbers were all the rage. We knew that nitrates were bad news in a reef tank, but many of the current methodologies for assimilating them had not yet made an appearance....
View ArticleSPS Deep Dive – Tyree Red Dragon
SPS Deep Dive – Tyree Red Dragon Limited edition corals generate a lot of buzz when released and the Tyree Red Dragon was at the top of the LE hit list a few years ago. Why did this coral grab so much...
View ArticleSleep With The Sharks At The Paris Aquarium
France’s Aquarium de Paris, or the Paris Aquarium, has teamed up with Airbnb to offer an awesome competition that will appeal to thrill seekers and aquarium lovers alike. Three lucky winners and their...
View ArticleGlowing Giant Star Coral Polyps Under Blue-Light
Good morning from the super HOT Caribbean!! I have some wild, “open for business” glowing Giant Star Coral Polyps for you all today that I found the other night at around 70 feet. Each one of these...
View ArticleUpdate: Royal Exclusiv to Relocate and Expand its Production Facilities
Due to ever increasing demand for the Dreambox Filter System in North and South America and abroad, Royal Exclusiv will be relocating to an expanded production facility and reorganizing its production...
View ArticleReef Kids: Eggs, Eggs, Eggs
What do octopus, clownfish, and chickens have in common? They all lay eggs. Both chicken and octopus mothers care for their eggs, while clownfish fathers take on that role in the breeding relationship....
View ArticleSouth Florida Jellyfish Invasion
Thousands of jellyfish washed up on South Florida beaches last week. Hallandale Beach in North Miami, Florida was covered with bluish and purple jellyfish as far as the eye could see. These bluish and...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #269
This week we talk more about carnivorous plants and a lot about nano bubbles. We return once again to talk more about hobbies, where our listeners are located, and nano bubbles. Download the podcast...
View ArticleI Wish I Were a Fish-With a Lateral Line System!
Notice the lateral line on this Anthias in my tankEverything about fish is amazing and fascinating. To me, the most fascinating thing about fish (beside their taste) is their lateral line system. The...
View ArticleChromerida – The Malaria-like Organisms Living In Your Corals
Chromera velia. Credit: Gert Hanson Most corals from shallow tropical reefs rely heavily upon an intracellular alga, Symbiodinium, to meet their nutritional demands. This hugely important symbiosis...
View ArticleShadowing Trumpetfish
Good morning from Curacao! I have four photos for you today showing a behavior we see quite often called “Shadowing or Shadow Hunting”. This is a unique hunting technique that usually involves a...
View ArticleNOAA Takes Steps To End Beluga Whale Captivity
Beluga whales are a popular aquarium exhibit animal from the arctic and easy to spot because of their striking white color and lack of dorsal fin. However, as the issue of cetaceans in captivity has...
View ArticleSalty Q&A: How Often Should Your Fish Fast?
For a zooplanktivore such as Anthias, who are frequent feeders, withholding food isn’t necessarily advantageousQuestionI’ve been told that it’s a good idea to avoid feeding aquarium fish on occasion,...
View ArticleOrange Cup Coral, Tubastraea coccinea
Good morning all, I have a beautiful colony of Orange Cup Corals at the base of a giant sea fan for you viewing pleasure today that was taken on one of our numerous night dives. As you may or may not...
View ArticleA new spin on mechanical filtration: The Theiling Roller Mat
The Theiling Roller Mat is a new spin, on a tried and true filtration method. Sorry, I couldn’t resist, as the roller mat’s selling point is that it automatically spins, replacing debris laden cotton...
View ArticleVirginia Aquarium Plans Expansion
Public aquariums are among the most popular tourist attractions in the world, drawing in tens of millions of cumulative visitors every year. The United States is lucky to be home to many outstanding...
View ArticleLionfish Coming To A Supermarket Near You
Being a Florida resident since 2009, I have been alarmed by the dramatic increase in lionfish seen during my dives. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) encourages people to...
View ArticleEpithet etymology: The Purple-boned Fairy Wrasse
Cirrhilabrus blatteus. Photo credit: John Randall. On today’s Epithet Etymology, we find ourself examining the naming origins of yet another fairy wrasse of the genus Cirrhilabrus. While I try to...
View ArticleFeatured Coral: Joe’s Passionfruit Goni
Also commonly know as the Flowerpot coral or Daisy Coral, Goniopora species are generally considered difficult to moderately difficult to keep alive in captivity. When opened up these corals look...
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