First Aquarium Partnership Between United States and Cuba
The Florida Aquarium in Tampa, Florida is looking to collaborate with The National Aquarium of Havana to come together to help protect coral reefs. The Florida Aquarium has delivered a memorandum of...
View ArticleReef control technology
Even when broadband access began expanding, the thought of having a router that controlled something for your reef aquarium hadn’t entered the minds of most aquarists. Reefers were oohing and awing...
View ArticleBeware Marine Aquarium Complacency!
A funny thing sometimes happens to marine aquarium hobbyists who have a few years’ experience under their briny belts—they have a tendency to become complacent in their methods and attitudes. Once...
View ArticleRed Seadragon Is Spectacular New Species
A paper in the Royal Society Open Science has announced the discovery of a new species of seadragon. The Ruby Seadragon (Phyllopteryx dewysea) is named for its incredible bright-red coloring and was...
View ArticleReefs Magazine: Winter 2015 Issue is a Vital Read
Great news! The latest issue of Reefs Magazine is available for your perusing online, and this is one you don’t want to miss. Randy, once again, congregates the hobby’s usual heavy-hitting suspects, as...
View ArticleOffer: Free Coral Foods With Red Sea Coral Pro Salt
Red Sea are inviting you to take advantage of a fantastic offer to purchase their Coral Pro Salt for a special price of only £55 and get Reef Energy A&B Coral Foods FREE (mrrp £16.95).The offer is...
View ArticleVenomous Marine Fish: It’s Hard to Define the Effects of Their Stings
Stonefish are some of the most venomous fish in the worldPeople are naturally fascinated by venomous animals and often very curious about the effects their venom might have on people they bite or...
View ArticleReef Threads Plus #2
In our second Reef Threads Plus podcast we welcome Richard Ross and Kathy Leahy to address the difficult question: Is the hobby cruel to animals? We hope you enjoy the discussion and that it gets you...
View ArticleFincasters Episode 58 Professional Coral Fragging
Fincasters Episode 58 Professional Coral Fragging Fincasters visits coral wholesaler and importer Carolina Aquatics to gawk at all the corals and to learn how professional Chris Klein frags his corals...
View ArticleEarly Success with a Halichoeres Wrasse!
Figure 1. Halichoeres melanurus egg on a 1 mm SedgewickRafter cell. Here at the Tropical Aquaculture Lab we’re very fortunate to have the opportunity to work in a field we’re truly passionate about....
View ArticleMocha Frostbite + RARE Clownfish – Clownfish Depot
In this CoralFish12g video I feature Clownfish Depot's rare clownfish. They have mocha frostbites, picasso breeding pairs, helmet head picassos, and other rare clownfish! Go to their facebook page to...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #218
Cirrhilabrus laboutei It’s podcastin’ time once again. This week we talk about our most-recent Reef Threads Plus podcast, replacing lamps and heaters, the impact of LEDs, hobby accessibility, and the...
View ArticleA Hawkfish Even “Caribbean Chris” Could Love
Caribbean redspotted hawkfish (Amblycirrhitus pinos)Regular Saltwater Smarts visitors know that “Caribbean Chris” has an irrational (bordering on pathological) hatred of all marine life not connected...
View ArticleTaking a look in the mirror…
“If you’re looking for someone to blame, you need only look in the mirror.” It’s a common slogan, used to illustrate the reality that we all take part in many of the problems that exist in the world...
View ArticleReef Aquarium Hitchhikers: The Gall of These Parasitic Crabs!
Gall crab outside its burrow in Cyphastrea serailia (Photo credit: Van der Meij)We have all heard the oft-repeated warning to “dip before you trip.” We are told by many sources online to dip any corals...
View ArticleFamed ‘Shark Lady’ Eugenie Clark Died Wednesday
Eugenie Clark passed away at 92 in Sarasota, Florida on Wednesday. Clark’s extensive research on sharks earned her the nickname ‘shark lady’. From 1950 onward, she worked to dispel the public’s fear...
View ArticleRed Hind, Cleaner Fish, Epinephelus guttatus
Good morning from Curacao, how was your weekend out there?? We finally got a few little rain showers but to be honest it didn’t do much!! On my three hour mountain bike ride Sunday morning I was...
View ArticleAquaponics Fast Becoming A Preferred Method of Cannabis Cultivation
Photo by Ryan Griffis. CC by Aquaponics is pretty simple in concept. Imagine an aquarium that is plumbed into a hydroponic system; fish wastes are mineralized by microbes and ultimately utilized by...
View ArticleFincasters Episode 59: Keeping Rock Anemones
Fincasters Episode 59 Keeping Rock Anemones Rock Anemones come from the Florida Keys in a huge variety of colors. They are easy to keep, fun to feed and add a lot of color at relatively low cost. In...
View ArticleThe First Direct Observations of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Induced Changes...
Climate change and warming of sea surface temperatures are among the most oft-cited threats to coral reef ecosystems as they currently exist. Despite the preponderance of scientific work on the issue,...
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