Filling the Gaps
Mixed Coral Shot We’ve all seen the tanks, they’re usually featured on a big forums or Facebook. The reefs that make you drool, that keep you inspired when your tank isn’t doing so hot. These tanks...
View ArticleThe Pioneering Reefs of Abu Dhabi
[embedded content] Last month, our film Natural History Redux screened at the Imagine Science Film Festival held at New York University’s campus in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is located along the Arabian/...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #220
Stable water parameters make for healthy corals. Are you testing your water? Craig Bingman leaves no stone unturned this week in our in-depth discussion about water testing. It’s a terrific show...
View ArticlePicture of the Week, Green Hammer Coral
Stop, it’s hammer time. Cheesy throwbacks to the 80s aside, the hammer coral is a staple in many reef tanks much like MC Hammer’s song was a permanent fixture in many a Sony Walkman. Getting past all...
View ArticleRearing Seahorses: Tips for Beginner Breeders
Here at the Long Island Aquarium, one of my main responsibilities is our 400 gallon seahorse exhibit. It houses two different species of seahorses; Hippocampus erectus, and Hippocampus radia.One of...
View ArticleAiptasia-X Kill Compilation In this CoralFish12g video I will review, and demonstrate Aiptasia-X by Red Sea. Within minutes of ingesting the Aiptasia-X the anemone will...
View ArticleFincasters Episode 64: World Pet Association Donates $25,000 to Coral...
Fincasters Episode 64 World Pet Association Donates $25,000 to Coral Restoration Foundation The World Pet Association presented a $25000 check to the Coral Restoration Foundation at the 2015 Global...
View ArticlePomacanthus Angelfish Update
One of our first Rising Tide successes was harvesting eggs from Columbus Zoo and Aquarium (CZA), shipping them to UF’s Tropical Aquaculture Lab, and successfully raising what turned out to be...
View ArticleFavia and Favites Brain Corals
Favia and Favites Brain Corals This video is all about Favia and Favites, two of the most common types of brain corals found in the reef keeping hobby. The care requirements for Favia and Favites are...
View ArticleSo Much to Dig about Montipora digitata!
Multiple varieties of Montipora digitataAs I grew to love SPS corals, one in particular stood out and caught my eye: Montipora digitata. I have found M. digitata to be a fast-growing, hardy SPS coral...
View Article1,350 Gallon Reef Aquarium… Disaster
Some of you may be familiar with the phenomenal large aquarium owned by Peter Hyne in Toronto, Canada. I personally started following the build thread on Reef Central with wide eyes and floored jaw...
View ArticleWeedy Seadragons Available to Hobbyists
Coldwater Marine Aquatics is bringing in captive raised weedy seadragons (Phyllipteryx taeniolatus) available to the masses. For me this news is akin to the first time I heard Borbonius anthias coming...
View ArticleAquariums of the rich and famous…
First off sorry for the lack of content in recent weeks. I’ve gotten some emails from reefers asking if I was alright. I’m fine; my second book is nearing release so I’ve been busy getting things in...
View ArticleThe Reef Table: Shrimp Pimpin’ with Larry D
So, by now I’m sure you’ve heard about LRS Reef Frenzy®, the premium frozen foods that have been dominating the market and winning over even the most skeptical of hearts worldwide. The reason is...
View ArticleName Change! Fauna Marin Announces New Name for AlgeaX
Here’s a quick product update from German-based supplement company, Fauna Marin. They’ve done some revamping to their successful dinoflagellate-busting solution, AlgaeX. The product, which is also...
View ArticleContest Time! Take a Look Behind the Scenes at Orphek’s Production Facility
Win one of 30 free Orphek Azurelite flashlights – Stay with me and I’ll tell you how! So a few weeks ago I was slipped a bit of information from an insider over at Orphek about a new light, complete...
View ArticleNew Species: True Bursa Trigger
Heads-up, we’ve just added yet another new species to our livestock database! Our latest addition, Sufflamen bursa takes our Triggerfish gallery tally to a total of 18 profiles in that section....
View ArticleDefinitely Not Reef Safe – Gargantuan Stingray in Thailand May be a Record...
Deviating from saltwater here, this giant freshwater stingray (Himantura polylepis) discovered in Thailand’s Mae Klong river may be the largest freshwater fish recorded! Scientists happened upon the...
View ArticleFish Bowls v Fish Tanks For Goldfish
Nobuaki Okamoto, also known as ‘Dr. Goldfish’, has written a book on how to enjoy keeping goldfish in bowls. The book aims to bring goldfish into closer contact with their owners and advocates for the...
View ArticleSalt Speak – Episode 1: FishBit
In our 2015 outlook writeup at the beginning of the year, Jeff hinted at new media we would be bringing to our content stream, specifically video. Salt Speak is the first of those new features. It will...
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