Even now, do Moorish Idols remain impossible to keep?
The Moorish Idol has eluded aquarists for a long time. It’s interesting, because idols aren’t particularly rare, exclusive or expensive fish. In fact, when compared to many common marine fish, they can...
View ArticleTexas State Aquarium Accidentally Kills 100 Fish
In an effort to combat a pesky parasite that was harming the tanks, the Texas State Aquarium accidentally killed nearly 100 fish. This is very rare and upsetting incident. The parasitic flat worms in...
View ArticleFish Are What Fish Eat!
Aquarists have a wide variety of fish foods at their disposalWith so many fish foods on the market these days, it is really difficult to know exactly what your fish are eating. They will chow down with...
View ArticleOrlando SeaLife Aquarium Welcomes New Sharks For Grand Opening
Sea Life Orlando will be opening on International Drive in Orlando on May 4, 2015. Anyone who has ever been to Orlando knows International Drive is the hub of activity in the ever popular tourist...
View ArticleWest Coast Jellyfish Invasion
Millions of jellyfish are washing up on Washington and Oregon beaches. Velella Velella, also known as ‘sea-rafts’ due to their sail shaped fin, are all along the North West coast beaches right now....
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #226
Quality Marine is offering commercially raised clown triggerfish from Biota Marine Life Nursery in Palau. We’re back with more marine/reef/aquarium chit chat. This week’s topics include Rod’s Food,...
View ArticleTang reality
Many of us are familiar with the tang police. They exist on almost any internet forum and occasionally strike from within the walls of a fish shop. Their primary goal seems to be making sure no tang is...
View ArticleAfrican Penguins Receive ‘Honeymoon Suites’ At The New England Aquarium
The New England Aquarium is attempting to set the right ‘mood’ for its African Penguins. The Aquarium is trying to play matchmaker to eight pairs of African Penguins so that they will breed more...
View ArticleDown to One Marine Aquarium—and So Far I’m Loving It!
Residents of the 125 enjoying the new lightingFor quite some time, I had at least two marine aquariums up and running—a 75-gallon reef tank and a 125-gallon FOWLR tank. As regular Saltwater Smarts...
View ArticleFish Tank Explodes!
A 100-gallon saltwater fish tank ruptured unexpectedly Sunday night at The Loft Wine Bar in Benecia, California. Security cameras caught the the whole thing. Crazy! What are your thoughts – what do...
View ArticleScam Alert! Important Announcement for MACNA Exhibitors and Attendees
Those planning on attending MACNA this coming September, be heedful when selecting your hotel accommodations as there’s apparently some less than savory folks involved in a hotel booking scam, and...
View ArticleReview: Elos OsmoController Digital
Dealing with evaporation from a reef tank can be a real chore if you haven’t got a robust system in place and there’s also a pretty high element of risk involved if your chosen system isn’t up to...
View Article5 Maddening Things Marine Fish Do
Who knew a royal gramma would draw the ire of an Atlantic blue tang in a tank full of other fish?!I love marine fish. I really do. They’ve been part of my life for decades, and observing their beauty...
View ArticleUpdate: Cause of Fish Kill At Texas State Aquarium Discovered
On April 16, 2015, we were informed of the very the sad news that hundreds of fish had died at the Texas State Aquarium. The cause of what led to the massive fish kill is now clear: a mislabeled...
View ArticleRevolution: an important movie for aquarists. An important movie for human...
When I was attending the Eastern Academy of Scuba Education (EASE) in 2007, a little known film named Sharkwater had just been released in south Florida. Behind the film was a man named Rob Stewart,...
View ArticleWarm Water Blobs Threatens Ecosytem
We all know that Global warming in recent years is at its highest levels. Global warming is a huge problem, of which we don’t even know the implications of the full long term impacts of this rapid...
View ArticleSaltwater Smarts Turns Two: Another Gratifying Year in the Books!
Chris and Jeff discuss the website with Mark of Coral ReefIt’s hard to believe that we’re celebrating our second anniversary here at Saltwater Smarts. When Caribbean Chris and I launched this site back...
View ArticleThe Thomas Brown mercury disclosure
If you’re a reef keeper and you use the Internet, there is a good change you’ve been reading about mercury (chemical symbol Hg) lately. Mercury and marine life are terms that are used in the same...
View ArticleNew Gall Crab Species Discovered
The fact the new ocean species are still being discovered shows how much we still have to learn about marine biodiversity. Just recently, a new species of gall crab has been discovered in Indonesia and...
View ArticleWhy Kids Shouldn’t Keep Nemo with a Host Anemone
A curious clownfish peers through the tentacles of an anemoneAsk any group of young children to name their favorite saltwater fish, and chances are nearly all of them will reply “the clownfish.” Of...
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