The tank flush method? (of long-term parasite prevention)
I like to experiment in my personal reef tanks. As long as the experiment doesn’t harm any tank inhabitants, and doesn’t risk my personal sanity, I am willing to give it a shot. Some experiments turn...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #250
Should we take marine animals from the reefs for our viewing pleasure? In our 250th podcast, a discussion about marine-fish captive breeding and Orca breeding leads to an exchange about keeping wild...
View ArticleA solar powered reef.
So I’ve been talking about making reef aquariums carbon free. This means that energy required to power your aquarium comes from a source that doesn’t generate any carbon footprint. Years ago this was...
View ArticleThe Use of Negative Space in the Reef Aquarium Aquascape
Marine aquarium aquascapes are evolving to favor more open, irregular aestheticsOne of the more interesting developments in the reefkeeping hobby, in my opinion, has nothing to do with the latest,...
View ArticleLarval Blue Tang, Acanthurus coeruleus
ABOUT Avid outdoorsman and underwater photographer, Barry Brown has spent the last ten years documenting life above and below water in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. He is currently working with the...
View ArticleFarm to table reef feeding (a breakthrough in captive reef nutrition?)
Feeding doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It gets a lot of attention, but it’s something that still feels like a self-evident part of reef keeping. As Rod Buehler, the man behind “Rod’s Food” put...
View ArticleNew Shark Detection Technology Plan In Australia This Summer
Sydney, Australia’s beaches saw an increase in shark attacks in 2015. In 2014, the area had 3 shark attacks, while in 2015, there were 13 attacks. The government is planning on rolling out a high-tech,...
View ArticleStream2Sea Introduces New Eco Safe Sunscreen
There has been some controversy of late regarding the negative effect that sunscreen may have on the health of phytoplankton and near shore coral reefs. Some studies suggest that some types of common...
View ArticleLong Island Collecting Log: Let’s hear it for the natives
It’s late October. As autumn progresses, it gets increasingly difficult to put on my gear and get in the water. Between the head-numbing cold and the departure of the tropicals, the idea of diving in...
View ArticleThe Pros and Cons of Aquascaping Marine Aquariums with Dry Rock
Aquascaping with dry rock has a number of advantages and disadvantagesWhen aquascaping their tanks, marine aquarium hobbyists have the option of using live rock or dry rock (or some combination...
View ArticleGiant Green Moray Eel
Good morning from overcast Curacao! We have had a few days of much cooler weather but almost no rain, it’s just teasing us like it always does! I spent the weekend cleaning the house, planting baby...
View ArticleFirst record of hybridization in the Hawaiian endemic butterflyfish Chaetodon...
Chaetodon fremblii x C. multicinctus (?) in the aquarium of Mr. Hirosaki. Identification of hybrids often involves speculation based on intermediate phenotypes displayed by both parents. In this case,...
View ArticleAquarium Nutrition: Part 1
Health is defined as the condition of an organism with respect to the performance of its vital functions. Nutrition is the act or process of nourishing or being nourished; specifically, the sum of the...
View ArticleCrown-Of-Thorns-Starfish Nearly Wipe Out Pilbara Coral Reefs
There has been a lot of coverage in the past year over the damage that Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish were causing coral reefs. CSIRO marine ecologist Mick Haywood has discovered that reefs previously noted...
View ArticleShed Some Varied Light on Your Reef
The pair of yellow wrasses attempting to spawn after the lighting change in my aquariumThe other night, as I was watching the debate on TV, I noticed that my reef tank got darker. Just a little, but it...
View ArticleSummer May be Over, But Things are Heating up at the Long Island Aquarium
Summer is over; fall has seized Long Island. The waters are cooling down, the tropical fish that we’ve enjoyed collecting all season will soon be gone from our bays and inlets. At the LI Aquarium, the...
View ArticleThe Trade in Saltwater Aquarium Fishes: Philippines Part 1
The trade in saltwater aquarium fishes is one of the last segments of the pet trade where animals are routinely harvested from the wild in relatively large numbers. Not surprisingly, the trade is...
View ArticleVirginia Aquarium Welcomes Rare Crocodiles
The Virginia Aquarium has just welcomed some very rare crocodiles to the aquarium. The crocodiles, known as “Tomistoma,” were just acquired on Saturday, through the first permitted import of their...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #251
A Pratt Reef Club Anemone reef. This week our guest is Randy Donowitz from the Pratt Institute and Listen to Randy to learn about the history of the Pratt Reef and the role it plays in...
View ArticleDamaged, Dying Brain Coral Colony, Hard Coral
Good morning friends, most of you divers including myself if I didn’t know any different would look at this photo and say, “it looks like coral bleaching” correct?? Well, it’s not. This is what...
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