Central Pacific Reefs Battered by El Nino
Researchers at the Georgia Tech’s School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences have painted a grim picture for the current status of Pacific ocean reefs. El Nino events are especially high this year and...
View ArticleCandy Bass, Liopropoma carmabi
Good morning friends, here is the hands down most beautiful fish Curacao has to offer, it’s called a Candy Basslet, Liopropoma carmabi and lives at a depth of about 225 feet! This is by far the most...
View ArticleAdopt a Coral Genome for $25!
It’s the season for giving, and what better way to show you care about the health of our planet’s coral reef ecosystems than by directly helping to fund research aimed at bettering our understanding...
View ArticleReliable Marine Aquarium Reference Sources
Crack open any of these great saltwater and reef aquarium resource books and be prepared to learn!“Research the characteristics and care requirements of any fish or invertebrate you plan to...
View ArticleSynthetic Coral Could Cleanse Oceans
Published earlier this year in the Journal of Colloid a new study from researchers at Anhui Jianzhu University in China has explained how they have adapted coral like structures into nanotechnology...
View ArticleRaja Rampage Chalice
This weeks’ Featured Coral of the Week comes to us from Jason Fox Signature Corals. Recently I reached out to Jason to see if he had anything new coming out in the way of higher end chalice corals....
View ArticleAmazing Basket Stars
I have a massive fondness for basket stars, their fractally configured, furled structure is highly appealing: each arm branching into smaller and smaller versions of itself; they remind me of...
View ArticleReef Sediment Studied to Create Record of Diversity
Researchers from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science have analyzed sediment of deep water reefs ranging from 30-150 meters, in an effort to create a record of...
View ArticleDeep Sea Cucumber
Good morning friends, I know long time right??? Well as I mentioned in my last blog on wednesday we had one crazy week here at Substation, I ended up doing eight dives in three days leaving ZERO time...
View ArticleCagayan: Straddling the divide between two biogeographical ecoregions
Parapercis natator, a species predominantly found in the Ryukyu Archipelago of Southern Japan. The epithet “natator” is latin for “swimmer”, which aptly describes the behaviour of this unusual...
View ArticleThe Best Beginner Small-Polyp Stony Corals
These SPS coral species are a beginner’s best betUpon entering the world of small polyp stony corals (or SPS), many people ask the magic question, “Which types are best for beginners?” In my opinion...
View ArticleRose Lace Coral, Stylaster roseus
Good morning, we have three submersible dives today, tomorrow and friday so you may or may not be hearing much from me. I have a little, very delicate Rose Lace coral for you all today that I shot in...
View ArticleSea Anemone Reproduction
Photo by areefcreation.com Anemones can reproduce either asexually or sexually. Each method of reproduction has distinct advantages and disadvantages. With asexual reproduction, the offspring are...
View ArticleRacing Extinction: Film Review
There’s something visceral and eerie about hearing the song of the last male Hawaiian o-o (pronounced oh-oh). The male’s mating call was recorded by scientists prior to the species’ extinction. As the...
View ArticlePlutonium-Powered Dive Suit
From Annual Report to Congress of the AEC for 1967. US Government via Atomic Skies There was a time, in the U.S.’s not-too-distant past, that nuclear power wasn’t as contentious a subject as it is...
View ArticleMore Holiday Gift Ideas for the Reefkeeper in Your Life
Let’s face it, if we marine aquarists had our way, every gift we received during the holiday season would be hobby-related. Trouble is, ours is such a specialized pastime that few, if any, of our loved...
View ArticleSpotted Cleaner Shrimp, Periclimenes yucatanicus
Good morning friends, yours truly is slowly recovering from a 4-hour root canal that I had done yesterday, talk about fun!! I have a Photoshopped “hide and seek” type of photo for you all today of a...
View ArticleRare California And Oregon Fish Removed From Endangered Species List
There is nothing better than an endangered species success story to show you we can still make a difference and undue damage to our marine life. Yesterday, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #255
Toys for Kids at Reef2Reef We’ve mostly recovered from illness and are back with another podcast. This week’s topics include the Reef2Reef Toys for Kids program, the Penn State Student Union tanks,...
View ArticlePink Hearts Palythoia
Pink Hearts Palythoa The Pink Hearts Palys are a beautiful morph with red and pink centers and a contrasting skirt. Pink and red are two of the more less common colors we see in corals so if you are...
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