Every year, a flurry of new products and innovations hit the reefing market that grasp for our attention. They come and go, become mainstream and flit from our minds nearly as quickly as they came. Then, every once in a while, a product comes along that’s a complete game-changer. And this, ladies and gents, was one hell of a game changer. I’m sure you’re all familiar with a little company known as Larry’s Reef Services®, Reef Frenzy® and the distinctive, bright yellow and blue packaging by now as they’ve come up in several pretty groundbreaking stories just this year alone, but here’s a quick background for ya. LRS® shot to life when Larry DuPont found he was unsatisfied with the available options and began searching for his own fresh seafood, creating small batch foods for himself, local reefers and a handful of stores. The feedback was remarkable and Reef Frenzy® began to spread with, well, a frenzy! He analyzed and perfected his blends, with input from hobby experts and registered Reef Frenzy® as a legally licensed pet food company. By February 2013 the demand was so great, Larry retired from the police force and began producing his foods full time. 2014 marked a milestone for LRS® when they began exporting their food to exotic fish collectors in Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and the UK. Despite the complete explosion of LRS® and Reef Frenzy®, Larry and his business partner, wife, Veronica DuPont, stay true to their grassroots here, offering unmatchable customer service and a pristine, premium product. A feat that means folks over at LRS® are working in hyperdrive to maintain a level of excellence and dedication that exceeds anything out there on the market today. They took the bar and raised it to a level that would make even the most seasoned athlete sweat. It’s for this reason that Larry’s Reef Services® makes it to the top of our list of Reefs.com Top Picks of 2014. I sat down with Larry to talk about this past year, what he hopes for LRS® in the future, and the future of the industry. He was kind enough to allow me a peak into his thoughts. What stood out to you the most this year, the three best moments for LRS®
1. Clearly being first time exhibitors at MACNA in Denver was a proud moment for us. Meeting so many of our fans, combined with the revelation that LRS® was involved with the G.
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