Scientology V. Winter The Dolphin?
Clearwater, Florida is a pretty quiet place on the West Coast of Florida. Clearwater is also the spiritual headquarters to Scientology. While, I would imagine most residents of Clearwater are very...
View Top Pick 2014: Larry’s Reef Services® – A Year In Review
Every year, a flurry of new products and innovations hit the reefing market that grasp for our attention. They come and go, become mainstream and flit from our minds nearly as quickly as they came....
View ArticleTank Profile: Brian Babcock’s SPS-dominated Reef
With towering pillars of small-polyp stony corals framed against a spotless blue background, this aquarium makes me feel as though I’ve been plopped down smack dab in the middle of a coral reef,...
View ArticleWrite-up Wednesday: Goldflake Angelfish (Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus)
The Goldflake Angel is one of the most striking angelfish available for a saltwater tank. Their bodies are a combination of bright and muted yellow areas with brighter spots of yellow which give the...
View ArticleNew Powerbar Added to the ProfiLux Lineup
The crew at GHL has rolled out some new gear for the new year. A few days ago, they unveiled their new Powerbar 5.1, and it looks to add some serious firepower to the already impressive lineup...
View ArticleAging Bony Fish
Pair of otoliths. When conducting studies, many ecologists are posed with the question: How old is this fish? Because size is rarely a fair indication of age, the use of a more precise method is often...
View ArticlePatter of Tiny Tentacles Heard at Mote Aquarium, Florida
Baby Caribbean pygmy octopus born at Mote Marine Lab. Credit Mote Marine LabHaving already hit the spotlight earlier this year, the Caribbean Pygmy Octopuses of the Mote Aquarium in Florida are in the...
View ArticleEshopps Set to Release CUBE Nano Refugium
Eshopps has hit the ground running in 2015. The long-time maker of budget friendly aquarium gear and accessories is launching a new line of refugiums that are aimed squarely at nano aquariums. Aptly...
View ArticleThe Future of Reef Keeping: Looking to the past
I entered the marine aquarium hobby a long time ago. So long in fact, thinking back about it makes me feel old. Not that I am old, it just seems like a really long time ago. I was a kid when I got into...
View ArticleCool Video From Groundbreaking Glass Fish Eye Implant
I recently wrote about the groundbreaking procedure of glass eyes being implanted into two Rockfish at the Vancouver Aquarium. A video of the unique operation has recently been released. It shows the...
View ArticleFast As A Staghorn
The group of coral specimens commonly named staghorn are some of my favorites. They grow extremely fast and come in a variety of pigments. These are one of the very important corals for reef growth....
View ArticleHLLE and the Activated Carbon Connection
HLLE in an ocean surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus) caused by the use of activated carbon. Many different factors have been considered as possible causes of the disease known as Head and Lateral Line...
View ArticleWorld Wide Corals Reef Farm Grand Opening
Today World Wide Corals is hosting a grand opening of their new frag farm. Not only will they allow the public to peruse (today only!) the amazing selection of corals these guys grow, but they have...
View ArticleCarolina Aquatics Acquires Entire Stock of Citron Clownfish From Bali Aquarich
The Citron Clownfish is a truly fascinating, clementine-hued anemonefish first bred by Wen-Ping Su at Bali Aquarich with nobody else to date able to reproduce this cross. The hybrid of a True Percula...
View ArticleMarine microbes: your aquarium’s most important tenant
You can’t see the most important organisms within your reef tank. You can’t see some of the most important organisms on your body either. Why? Because they are microbes, tiny single celled organisms...
View ArticleORA Announces Availability of Rare Japanese Kamohara Fang Blenny
ORA has set the bar really high for 2015, and we’re just a dozen days into it. They announced on Friday via their blog that they will be shipping out their latest addition to the captive bred fish...
View ArticleWelcome To The Reef Table: Lemon Tea Yi Kai On Deep Water Fish
Let’s start off this week with something new! Here’s our first installment of what we hope to make an ongoing feature here at, a little video blog called “The Reef Table”. Here we’ll be...
View ArticleMarine viruses: aquarist’s friend or foe?
In expanding on my previous post about marine microbes, I thought I would dive a little deeper (no pun intended) into this subject. As I said in my last post, many aquarists don’t know the basics of...
View ArticleFish Are Superior to People!
When viewed at depth, a copperband butterflyfish looks much different than the colors we’re familiar with.Why do I make this claim? Well, primarily to capture your attention. But think about some of...
View ArticleSharks In The Water At New Detroit Aquarium
There is a new aquarium opening in Detroit this month, and it is not where you would it expect it to be opening. The Sea Life Michigan Aquarium will be opening in the Great Lakes Crossing Outlets in...
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