Live Rock Hitchhikers: Tunicates (Sea Squirts)
Tunicates can be found in a variety of colorationsAmong the more fascinating creatures that commonly make their way into marine aquariums as stowaways on good-quality live rock are tunicates, or sea...
View ArticleGlimmer of Hope For Staghorn Corals
In a surprise discovery more than 38 acres of critically endangered Acropora cervicornis Staghorn Coral has been found in patches on reefs along the South Florida coast. A stony coral, A. cervicornis...
View ArticleEcotech Vortech v. Maxspect Gyre (Which to buy)
It’s the ultimate showdown, two pieces of technology that represent the pinnacle of circulation within a reef aquarium. Both are the results of years of research and many breakthrough innovations in...
View ArticleReview: Radion XR15w Pro and Reeflink Controller
Following on from our recent unboxing review, we’ve now had chance to install our XR15w over the test tank, hook it up to one of EcoTech’s ReefLink wireless controllers and have a good old play with...
View ArticleReefs In Art: Glass Cephalopods. Grab a Straw and Drink This One In
In the full-blown frenzy of the holiday season, I was feverishly searching for new Cephalopod-inspired ornaments to adorn our little tree, so obviously an “octopus ornament” google search was in order....
View ArticleCherry Corals “Sex Panther” Acropora
Brett Harris, the “SPS Guru” of Cherry Corals, informed me last week that he was going to be releasing a new Acropora morph he had been cooking for a while during their recent Live Sale. It’s not...
View ArticleOnline livestock ordering : Guarantee Policies
Most of the livestock within my aquarium came from an online vendor. Actually, with the exception of a few fish, everything for my aquariums was ordered online and delivered to my door. The competition...
View ArticleSaltwater Smarts in 2015: Looking Forward to an Exciting New Year
Since Chris and I launched Saltwater Smarts back in April of 2013, we’ve been immensely gratified to welcome a steadily increasing number of visitors to our site, to have the opportunity to share our...
View ArticleBeautiful Photo’s Show Minnows Once A Year Spawn In Key Largo
Happy New Year!! Here’s to a 2015 filled with health, happiness and fish!! Silverside minnows spawn just once a year, in the coral reefs off the coast of Key Large, Florida. Every year the minnows...
View ArticleWallpaper: January 2015 (subscribed, logged-in users only)
Please note that you must be a logged-in subscriber to view this content. Please subscribe.. it's free and only takes a minute! The post Wallpaper: January 2015 (subscribed, logged-in users only)...
View ArticleAuthoritative New Guide Offers Expert Insights on Marine Fish Diseases
If Chris and I were to categorize all the questions we receive here at Saltwater Smarts, it’s safe to say the vast majority would fit under the heading of “fish disease and health issues.” While we’re...
View ArticleTidal Gardens 2014 Year in Review
Tidal Gardens 2014 Year in Review 2014 has come and gone. It's been a big year for us here at Tidal Gardens. Let's take a look back at the major milestones of 2014. Check out...
View ArticlePotassium is an element that needs a second look. Part 2
The pinks and purple in this captive grown Halomitra are enhanced with potassium My experience with potassium was highlighted during an aquaculture project using filtered natural seawater that was...
View ArticleChasing Numbers
Stoney corals require many things to thrive. Once the basics are mastered, stability is most important. Keeping the parameters close to the natural sea water numbers will work every time as long as...
View ArticleAnemone Lookalike: The Long-Tentacled Plate Coral
Long-tentacled Plate Coral (Heliofungia actiniformis)Easily mistaken for an anemone at first glance, Heliofungia actiniformis is a large-polyp stony (LPS) coral that can be an excellent option for...
View ArticleNearly 40 Acres Of Protected Staghorn Coral Discovered Off Coast Of South...
Here’s some great news to start off our new year with. During a research program initially intended to improve knowledge of coral reef habitats near the shores of southeast Florida, Brian Walker, a...
View ArticleAquaNerd’s Top 10 Stories from 2014
Phew…2014 is almost over. And while it has been a fun year, it has also been an exhausting one. But, we made it, and we can look forward to the brand new adventures that await for us in 2015. Before...
View ArticleWhy are Zoanthids So Expensive? The Zoanthid Debate
My FB Page: In this coralfish12g video I am going to be talking about the great Zoanthid debate. There are always fads in the hobby and right now one of the...
View ArticleMr. Saltwater Tank’s 206 Gallon V.I.P. Build
Building a saltwater tank is one of my favorite things todo. I enjoy the client interactions, the planning, the challenges and I REALLY enjoy seeing the finished product. It never hurts when the tank...
View ArticleEye Candy
If any coral fits this description of eye candy, the candy coral has to be it. The Caulastrea species is often called by the common name candy coral. This is a very fitting name with the amazing...
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