Now, everyone who partakes (responsibly) in the hobby of reef keeping is a Rock Star in our book, but “everyone” doesn’t make for a very exciting contest, now does it?It’s always interesting to see how people fill their glass boxes, and the skeletal structure, the foundation, of every tank is the rockwork. And it’s all about how you place those rocks – “Aquascaping” is an art form in and of itself and can make the difference between a mediocre tank and a show-stopping one (along with mimicking a natural environment suitable for your inhabitants)So we want to put your aquascaping skills to the test! Show us a picture of your rockin’ tank in the comments below and we’ll select the top three entries along with the folks of Real Reef, the gorgeous, eco-friendly live rock alternative, to win a 25-pound box of Real Reef Rock. Only rule? It MUST be your tank! Please include yourself in the picture, or for the camera shy, a hand-written sign with your name and some variation of “I’m a Real Rock Star”. You’ve got two weeks, let’s see your reefs on the rocks! … More:
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