Fresh Island Formation to be Living Lab for Marine Ecologists
Photo by Snap55. CC by 3.0. Late last year, a small dot of fresh land emerged from the sea following a long series of lava flows. Located about 600 miles south of Tokyo, Japan, the new island, part...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #230
What tells you that a fish is healthy? We’ve returned again because we simply can’t help it. This week’s topics include MASNA scholarships, Bryopsis, mollusk tanks, healthy fish characteristics,...
View ArticleRed Head Linear Blenny – Ecsenius cf lineatus
Recently, Madagascar has begun to export aquarium fishes. Some species are mostly the same as from other locales, such as Coral Beauty Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosa) and Midas Blenny (Ecsenius...
View ArticleThe Rockmover Wrasse: What a Difference Adulthood Can Make!
Adult rockmover wrasse (Novaculichthys taeniourus)In a previous post titled “Marine Fish Bait and Switch—5 Adorable Juveniles that Blossom into Brutes,” I listed the rockmover wrasse (Novaculichthys...
View ArticleOrange ghost shrimp-Corallianassa longiventris
Good morning friends, I had a few people asking about my pet Ghost Shrimp so just for you I went out and shot some new photos. This little thing is dripping with personality and expression, I really...
View ArticleYou Rock! Now Prove It and Win Some Real Reef Rock!
Now, everyone who partakes (responsibly) in the hobby of reef keeping is a Rock Star in our book, but “everyone” doesn’t make for a very exciting contest, now does it?It’s always interesting to see how...
View ArticleTattoo Tuesday – Guess Who?
Many of us in the reef industry and aquarium arts community have tattoos. Is it any wonder, considering how many hours we’ve dedicated to the art and science of cultivating the beauty of our aquatic...
View ArticleUpdate on Yellow Tang Research at OI
It’s been about a year since we reported our best success to date with rearing yellow tang, having gotten larvae through to day 83. Since then we’ve had some repeated successes getting the larvae past...
View ArticleWrite-Up Wednesday: Top-Down Viewers
I’ve got a strong hunch that you setup a saltwater tank to stock it with beautiful inhabitants for your viewing pleasure. I’m also got a strong hunch that 99% of the time, you view those inhabitants...
View ArticleThe Pros and Cons of Using a Marine Aquarium Cover Glass
To put a lid on it or not to put a lid on it, that is the question!Okay, with profuse apologies to the Melancholy Dane, the point I’d like to mull over in today’s post is whether it’s a good idea to...
View ArticleUpdate: The Vote is in and Japanese Zoos Will Not Use Taiji Dolphins
Last week I wrote about the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA) voting on whether to keep buying dolphins from the notorious town of Taiji (made famous by the movie ‘the cove). The...
View ArticleDiving Through Swaying Gorgonians in Curacao
ABOUT Avid outdoorsman and underwater photographer, Barry Brown has spent the last ten years documenting life above and below water in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. He is currently working with the...
View ArticleCaptive Grown Coral Colonies
Here is a captive grown colony of Cortez Favia. 7 Polyps to full colony in 1 year. One of my life goals is to become a key player in the restoration of coral reefs. Until that time comes, I get to...
View ArticleBattle of the Blue Heron Bridge: Personal aquarium collection
Blue Heron Bridge While at the Eastern Academy of Scuba Education (EASE), located in Vero Beach, FL, I quickly learned about the Blue Heron Bridge. The bridge is an intercostal waterway just inside...
View ArticleMarine Aquarium Photography: Post Processing of Coral Images
There is no such thing as an unprocessed “image,” but the degree of said processing can vary greatlyOften the subject of heated online debate is the post processing of coral photos—the manipulation of...
View ArticleEshopps Announces New Channel Design (ECD) Sumps
Eshopps has just released a new line of sumps that integrate their Channel Design system to optimize the flow pattern in the system. Instead of a standard trickle/overflow system where the water...
View ArticleFriday Rewind Anatomy Lesson
Today we will review an important coral anatomy lesson. Did you know that corals have a dual use mouth-anus combo? It’s true! Sometimes, when we refer to certain LPS coral or Zoanthids, we talk about...
View ArticleFisher Island Corals & The Saga of The Deep Dredge (Part 1 of 3)
Aerial view of Biscayne Bay, Government Cut, and Fisher Island encircled in deep dredge silt Over the past eighteen months, the Army Corps of Engineers’ Deep Dredge of PortMiami has continuously...
View ArticleElectric Biorocks: Our Hope For Coral Reefs?
A group of ex-pats in Indonesia have devised a rather ingenious, and cool looking, plan to help save our coral reefs using bio rock technology. This structure is in Gili Trawangan, a small island, one...
View ArticleDivers Begin Clean Up on Giant Florida Tire Reef
This story hits close to home for me, living just miles away from Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, I’m quite familiar with the harrowing scene of rows of abandoned looking, underwater tires. An estimated...
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