Rare 17 Foot Oarfish Found At Catalina Island
This long, slender oarfish washed ashore the beaches of Catalina Island, California. The giant fish was noted to be between 14 to 17 feet long. Two conservationists were said to have found the fish...
View ArticleCaribbean Reef Squid Inking, Octopus briareus
embedded content Good afternoon all, sorry about the very late start. Today we had Philippe Cousteau, grandson of the World famous Jacques Cousteau stop by with his film crew and ended up spending half...
View ArticleThe Endangered Corals of Fisher Island & The Saga of The Deep Dredge (Part 3...
Fisher Island, Government & Norris Cuts A Nursery Solution: The Deep Dredge of Government Cut has caused significant coral stress and mortality on the corals and reefs in and around Miami…...
View ArticleSubmarine Eruption Leads to Formation of New Red Sea Islands
Finding the right time, place and circumstances to observe the formation of a new island is pretty difficult. For one, it just doesn’t happen very often. It may occur in an inaccessible area. And,...
View ArticleScrawled Filefish Video, Odd Shaped Reef Fish
embedded content Hi boys and girls, I have a short but fun clip for you all today of a beautiful 16 inch scrawled filefish that I found out on the reef a few hours ago. You may have to watch this on...
View ArticleEncrusting Corals Can Create Art
We spend a lot of time talking about the intersection of reefs and the art world, and this photo is a great example of something near and dear to any reef aquarist, encrusting corals. As many people...
View ArticleDeepwater Cameras Reveal New Species, Seascapes
To this day, a mere 15% of the ocean bottom has been mapped. Recently, a team of researchers from the United States-supported National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has obtained a...
View ArticleFriday Rewind – Micro Propagation Revisited
Today I’d like to share with you an update on my baby micro-propogated coral. I first posted about these two and a half months ago, and I’m impressed with how much they’ve grown since then. From 2...
View ArticleSurvival Of The Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle
While this story isn’t about a sea turtle, the plight of the survival of the Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle must be told. There is only one known female Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle left in the...
View ArticleHundreds Of Fish Die In New York
The residents of New York have witnessed horrible fish kills for the past two months, the pictures resemble something out of a horror movie. Last April, hundred’s of dead sea turtles washed ashore...
View ArticleInfamous Cove Dolphins Are Sadly Shipped To China
Between the years 2009 and 2014, 760 live dolphins were sold from the infamous town of Taiji, where the documentary the Cove was filmed. Nearly half of those dolphins were exported to approximately...
View ArticleAlien Zooxanthella Invades Caribbean Corals
Figure 3 of Tye et al. 2015, illustrating the relatively reduced rates of photosynthesis and calcification in the Caribbean coral Orbicella spp. (Formerly Montastraea spp.) infected by S. trenchii....
View ArticleCoral vendors everywhere!
At one time, Deep Creek Lake Maryland, where I live, was a thriving real estate mecca. Being situated close to Washington, DC, northern Virginia and Baltimore, it became a playground and second home...
View ArticleStony Coral Origins: Their Evolution and Diversification (Part 1)
Credit: H. McDonald & Science The evolutionary history of corals is a fascinating subject, recounting one of the oldest lineages of multicellular animal life. This story is full of mistaken...
View ArticleStony Coral Origins: Their Evolution and Diversification (Part 2)
Medusa & polyp stages of cnidarians. Credit: Luc Viatour & Peter J. Bryant True Jellies & Corals: Phylum Cnidaria And, finally, we have gotten to the group we are interested in. Within...
View ArticleWill Fish Bit be a controller revolution?
I recently purchased the Canary. For those unfamiliar with the device, it’s a sleek little tower that functions as a home security system. The Canary has a 1080 p, wide angle camera that keeps an eye...
View ArticleStony Coral Origins: Their Evolution and Diversification (Part 3)
Credit: NERC CHESSO project Relicanthus daphnaea: Incerti ordinis A recent study of sea anemone genetics revealed a surprising finding—a species formerly included amongst the “swimming anemones” was...
View ArticleTracking the 2015/2016 El Niño Event: One of the Largest?
In the boreal (Northern Hemisphere) Spring of 2014, warm waters began to appear at the surface of the equatorial East Pacific. This appearance caused much stir and speculation about the potential...
View ArticleStony Coral Origins: Their Evolution and Diversification (Part 4)
The anemone-like Corallimorphus profundus. Credit: Reimann-Zürneck & Iken 2003 Mushroom Corals: Order Corallimorpharia There are only about fifty described species of corallimorpharians, but,...
View ArticleMore Coral Interactions in 20,000 Gallons
Joe Yaiullo’s 20,000 gallon dream aquarium can teach us a lot about aquascaping in our own home aquariums. This quartet of coral has worked out a delicate balance, and each is able to hold its own...
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