Google Maps Underwater Street View Imagery Adds 40 New Locations
In today’s day and age, there is not much we cant do from behind our computer screens. You can see the whole world at the stroke of a key. Now you can see the underwater world as well. Google Street...
View ArticleUnlocking the Code to Ocean-Acidification
A new study led by scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) has presented evidence stating coral reefs may not be as susceptible to ocean-acidification as once was thought....
View ArticleWife Swapping: Coral Style
It’s long been a theory of mine that corals exchange zooxanthellae within our aquariums to combat environmental stressors, and a new study proves this theory to be true in controlled systems as well as...
View ArticleDoes water have a memory? The science of structured water…
In 1988 French immunologist Jacques Benveniste published a study in Nature magazine, stating that he and his team had learned that water had a memory. What did this mean? During the study, Benveniste...
View ArticlePair of Alarming Shark Attacks In North Carolina
Sadly, over the weekend, a 13 year old girl and a 16 year old boy, lost their limbs after vicious shark attacks along the North Carolina Coast. Both attacks occurred within just two miles of each...
View ArticleDietarily Supplementing the Effects of Climate Change in Coral Reefs
Researchers from the University of Miami are perfectly placed to collect their recent findings supporting the need for human intervention when it comes to climate change and coral reefs. “For many...
View ArticleFishing Line and “No-Take” Zones Studied to Combat Coral Disease
Coral CoE is at it again trying to understand how human impact can effect change on coral reefs around the globe. Studying marine reserves in and around the Great Barrier Reef scientists “surveyed more...
View ArticleBringing the Lab to the Reef
Technology is ever-present in the lab as well as the hobby of reef keeping but scientists from Europe are now going to be taking their instruments directly into the field, or reef I should say. To...
View ArticleSummer Shark Attacks Continue
I hate to perpetuate the growing public paranoia over shark attacks. However, the unusually high number of sharks attack which resulted in serious number have been high profile this summer. After the...
View ArticleWhere Do Rainbows Come From?
As an avid collector of Acropora species I have noticed in the last couple of years that rainbow hued acropora seem to be popping up everywhere. So it gets me to pondering where were all these rainbow...
View ArticleAin’t no party like a spawn party
Ain’t no party like a spawn party, ’cause a spawn party don’t stop! You read that right: spawn party. Here at the Long Island Aquarium & Exhibition Center we have a spawn party about once a month....
View ArticleLong Island Collecting Log: The tropicals are in
The northern sennet, a close relative of the great barracuda, is usually among the first warm-water species to appear on Long Island each year. After a long cold winter and amid disturbing reports...
View ArticleFriday Rewind-Goniopower!
Four years ago, I sang about tropical coral in one of the worlds driest climates. Somewhere near the Mexican border, a gang of us Southern California rabble rousers gathered to make music and have fun;...
View ArticleLight Pollution and the Effects on Marine Coastal Environments
A bit of a duality was discovered when researchers from the Universities of Exeter and Bangor in the UK studied light pollution around coastal settlements. What they found was that light pollution from...
View ArticleFathers Day Comes Early At The Tennessee Aquarium
The Tennessee Aquarium has been observing some of the seahorses in the tank who appeared to be pregnant. Whats interesting about this species is that Male Dwarf Seahorses are the ones who actually...
View ArticleBaby Squid Photo, Caribbean Reef Squid
Good morning friends, how was your weekend?? This morning as I stumbled up the steps in search of coffee I said again, I can’t believe how fast these weekends go by” I never even get close to getting...
View ArticleGenetic Diversity within Coral Colonies
A surprising conclusion was made by the Ruhr-Universität of Germany regarding the genetic diversity within a coral colony. Researchers found that genetically diverse polyps where living harmoniously...
View ArticleNew Symbiont Invades Caribbean Coral Reefs
A non-native symbiont to live coral (Symbiodinium trenchii) is slowly invading the Caribbean reefs making it harder for corals to calcify, yet protecting against the warmer waters created by climate...
View ArticleRare Blue Montipora! Ah no, it’s actually Collospongia
I’m continuously fascinated by all of the different things that live in our oceans. Sponges are the simplest of multicellular organisms and also among the oldest, with a fossil record extending back to...
View ArticleGeoengineering Coral Reefs
Solar Radiation Management is a theory of approach towards stemming the effects of global warming, and its principle benefits are now the focus of a new paper published by the University of Exeter,...
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