2015 MACNA MiniCast, Day 3
MACNA attendees Wayne Himel (l) and Keith Waguespack (r) showing off their Rod’s Food shirts and button collections. It’s Day 3 and the end of the show. Our guests this time are a couple of up and...
View ArticleKeeping it simple with Fishbit! lead developer Nathan Levine
I finally had a chance to chat with Nathan Levine. Nathan is the founder of Current Labs and lead developer of Fishbit. Most of you have heard of Fishbit, the device that promises to be a sleek and...
View ArticleKaren Brittain Breeds Bandit Angels
Renown fish breeder Karen Brittain, who made waves last year revealing a slew of captive bred Genicanthus personatus at MACNA 2014, recently had a larval run with Apolemichthys arcuatus, the Bandit...
View ArticleDC MACNA Doesn’t Disappoint!
Reef display in the CoralVue boothLooking back over the weekend Caribbean Chris and I just spent at MACNA 2015 in Washington, DC, it’s dizzying trying to recollect all that we saw and learned and all...
View ArticleDC MACNA Doesn’t Disappoint!
Reef display in the CoralVue boothLooking back over the weekend Caribbean Chris and I just spent at MACNA 2015 in Washington, DC, it’s dizzying trying to recollect all that we saw and learned and all...
View ArticleUp-Close with Bali Maricultured Euphyllia
Throughout my reefing career one of my favorite pastimes [besides diving] is to peruse through the never ending pictures of reefs in nature. It’s hard to believe where some of our favorite corals grow,...
View ArticleFreshwater Dips and Seahorses
Occasionally a seahorse hobbyist runs into a situation where a freshwater (FW) dip is indicated. A FW Dip can be used as both a therapeutic and a diagnostic tool. As a therapeutic tool it can help rid...
View ArticleProjected “quasi-extinction” of Acropora cervicornis: Puerto Rico
Most reefs.com readers will be aware that as far as Caribbean corals go, none are considered more at risk of extinction than Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata. Researchers from the University...
View ArticleORA Debuts New Captive-Bred Transparent Cave Goby
2015 has been quite the year for captive-bred fishes! We have seen such a variety of new things, as well as a great stride of species firsts! ORA has done it again with a brand new goby species! The...
View ArticleWorld’s First Automated Fish Health Monitor
A new system for monitoring fish health is going to be used for the first time in an aquarium. The monitoring system will debut at England’s Blue Planet Aquarium. The system was developed by Lynne...
View ArticleThe Striated Frogfish: a Great Choice for the Oddball Fish Aficionado
Striated, or hairy, frogfish (Antennarius striatus)Marine aquarists who are drawn to cryptic species with unusual morphology rather than bright colors might want to give the striated frogfish...
View ArticleCongratulations 2015 – 2016 MASNA Student Scholarship Recipients
Over the past 8 years, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA) has provided $40,000 in funding for undergraduate and graduate college students to help continue their degrees in the...
View ArticleUp-Close with Bali Maricultured Acropora
Last week we took a look at some wonderful maricultured mini-colonies of various Euphyllia species. Today we get a sneak peak into the most popular maricultured genus, Acropora. To produce the most...
View ArticlePupfish Can Hold Its Breath For Five Hours
A new study reveals that the desert dwelling Pupfish can hold its breath for up to five hours. Researchers this week at the American Physiological Society’s Experimental Biology Meeting said the...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #244
Gary and Christine recording “in the wild” at MACNA 2015. We’re back from Washington DC and it’s time for our MACNA wrap-up show. Fire up your ear buds and hear what we saw and did at the annual...
View ArticleThe Dangers (and Myths) of Zoa Toxicity – Part 1
The oceans are full of creatures capable of killing us; one of the more surprising marine menaces is a group of popular aquarium corals known variably as “button polyps”, “palys” and “zoas”. Rather...
View ArticleThe Dangers (and Myths) of Zoa Toxicity – Part 2
These rarely seen phenotypes are of uncertain identification. That on the left is likely a rare green morph of P. heliodiscus, those on the right appear to be P. cf toxica. Notice the difference in...
View ArticleRobot Hunts And Kills Reef Destroying Starfish
This is pretty awesome. The Crowns Of Thorns Starfish Robot (COTSBot)is a submarine with a purpose: it hunts down crown of thorns starfish and gives them a lethal injection. The COTSBot “is designed to...
View ArticleDon’t Neglect These 5 Critical Marine Aquarium Maintenance Tasks!
Skimmer maintenance and light bulb or tube replacement are both important aspects of marine aquarium maintenanceKeeping a marine aquarium healthy and thriving requires a significant level of...
View ArticlePalytoxin!
Palythoa grandisMany of us are inspired to keep marine life for its exotic beauty or interesting behavior. But if we’re being perfectly honest, we have to admit there’s also something intriguing about...
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