Reef Threads Podcast #245
How much do you know about the salt that makes the water in which your animals live? It’s salty guest week! Wait, that didn’t come out right. Let’s try: Craig Bingman is our returning guest this week...
View ArticleLIVE SALE – Dr. Mac & Pacific East Aquaculture – THIS SATURDAY
This Saturday, at 6PM EST, Dr. Mac will open up his famous farm and join us in an online chat and live sale event. The Live Sale System allows people from all over the world to participate in a timed...
View ArticleFailure to Launch: 5 Reasons New Marine Aquarium Hobbyists “Crash and Burn”
A misguided and hasty approach often leads to a failed aquarium and exit from the hobbyIt’s a tale as old as the hobby itself: A novice marine aquarist sets up his or her first system, runs headlong...
View ArticleA Remarkable Community of Fishes Found in Xenia
Radial Filefish (Acreichthys radiatus) hanging out in some Xenia. Credit: Doug Anderson Coral reefs are rife with camouflaged fishes. Some hide by mimicking the surrounding rocks and sponges and...
View ArticleReview: Neptune Systems WAV Aquarium Pump
The market is getting crowded, when it comes to reef aquarium circulation pumps. Just about all the major reef equipment companies have one, and many of them perform much the same. The Vortech by...
View ArticleShark Attacks On Camera This Week In California And Hawaii
Just a day after the official end of summer, and two more shark attacks occurred in the United States, both of which were captured on video. Despite the spate of high profile shark attacks over recent...
View ArticleIs the Internet a Viable Resource for Marine Aquarium Research?
Virtually since the advent of the internet, there’s been a tendency in our hobby to rate the reliability and trustworthiness of online content beneath that of print-format materials—books, magazines,...
View ArticleWWF Reports 49% Decline in Marine Animal Populations
Anthias under sunbeams. Swarms of anthias fish shelter near coral outcroppings and feed in the passing current. Fiji It’s never fun to jump on the negative news bandwagon, but a recently updated...
View ArticleFlannel Beach: The Doom Years 12″ Record Release
Flannel Beach: The Doom Years by Various Artists Today we release an album we’ve been compiling for years: Flannel Beach – The Doom Years, a mixtape featuring great SoFL bands spanning the years of...
View ArticleVinegar Will Fight Against Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish
Australia’s coral reefs are under attack from the rapidly reproducing crown-of-thorns starfish. The crown-of-thorns starfish currently pose one of the greatest threats to the Great Barrier Reefs....
View ArticleThe Hammer Coral: A Sizeable Stinger with Showpiece Potential
Hammer coral (Euphyllia ancora) can be quite variable in colorSeveral of the so-called large-polyp stony (LPS) corals offer the advantages of being very hardy, adaptable, and beautiful and, thus, make...
View ArticleWash Off: a New Coral Dip
MECoral a provider of high quality aquarium additives, is proud to introduce “WASH OFF”. The newly-developed formula for Wash Off includes lavender, lemon, and pine oil at a powerful concentration. The...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #246
A little purple nephthea. We return once again. This week we talk about salt, Gary’s new Live Aquaria t-shirt, the Reef Savvy Dream Tank giveaway, the Internet as a research tool, placing corals, and...
View ArticleDiversity & Evolution of the Chrysiptera hemicyanea Complex: Part 1
The ubiquitous Yellowtail Damselfish, Chrysiptera parasema. Credit: Masamichi Torisu Damselfishes are usually thought of as a cheap staple of the aquarium trade, more often treated as “starter fish”...
View ArticleBeginners: Never Add Livestock to Your Marine Aquarium under These 5...
If there has been a mysterious death in your aquarium, determine the cause before seeking a replacement.In a nutshell, the reason people are drawn to this hobby (not counting the genetic mutation...
View ArticleDiversity & Evolution of the Chrysiptera hemicyanea Complex: Part 2
Indonesian C. springeri. A) Bali, Credit: delpacifico B) Raja Ampats, Credit: David Rolla c) Togean Islands Credit: Massimo Boyer D) Lembeh Credit: risingmoon “Springer’s Damselfish” C. springeri...
View ArticleInstalling a Neptune System’s Apex controller
Reef aquariums replicate one of the most stable environments on Earth. Coral reefs are the product of millions of years of evolution, an environment created and sustained by tiny animals. Corals...
View ArticleDiversity & Evolution of the Chrysiptera hemicyanea Complex: Part 3
C. parasema, from Komodo. Credit: 55mermaid “Yellowtail Damselfish” C. parasema Range: Philippines north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to Sabah, Java Sea, Flores Etymology: Greek “streamer”,...
View ArticleNeptune System’s PAR monitoring system
You may notice a trend recently, in that I am writing quite a bit about Neptune System’s products. While I’ve used an Apex controller for as long as I can remember, it’s only recently that I started to...
View ArticleHow to Tell if a Marine Fish Is Dying of Old Age
Large coral colonies and adult surgeonfish in Key LargoWe aquarists try very hard to keep our animals alive as long as possible for a few reasons. The first is that we are caring people and don’t want...
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