First Biofluorescent Sea Turtle Discovered In Solomon Islands
Scientists have discovered the first biofluorescent sea turtle in the Solomon Islands. The scientists were filming small sharks and coral reefs in the South Pacific, when they had were lucky enough to...
View ArticleAn efficient reef tank
Efficiency in the marine aquarium isn’t a new idea, but one that evolving in line with the times. It’s always been part of what we do as aquarists, but it’s becoming more important now than ever. We...
View ArticleWhen is a Toadstool Coral not a Toadstool Coral?
“Sarcophyton” ehrenbergi, the False Toadstool Coral. Credit: Dr. Yehuda Benayahu Zoological taxonomy is not for the feint of heart. Take, for instance, the humble Toadstool Coral— a stalwart soft...
View ArticleMarine Aquarium Terminology: Activated Carbon vs. Carbon Dosing
Activated carbon and carbon dosing – similar sounding, but different techniques for improving water qualityAs if our hobby weren’t perplexing enough to the average beginner given all the oddball jargon...
View ArticleWhat Gives with that Marine Fish that Never Eats?
Sometimes you have a fish in your aquarium you never see eating, but it that a problem? It depends.I’ve had this fish in my aquarium for months now and it’s as fat and happy as can be, yet I’ve never...
View ArticleLong-Term Effects of Oil Spills on Coral
Orbicella faveolata. NOAA Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary/Hickerson An article recently published (and abridged here) in the Marine Ecology Progress Series by Aaron C. Hartmann et al.,...
View ArticleThe high cost of the new Kessil AP700 light fixture
When I saw the price tag on the new Kessil AP700 ($ 895.00 per fixture) my first thought was, “What’s Kessil thinking.” The Kessil A360 and A360W lights have grown popular among reef keepers, and the...
View ArticleSea World California Banned From Breeding Whales
There has been a lot of controversy over Sea World in recent years, especially since the debut of the 2013 film ‘BlackFish’. The California Coastal Commission has unanimously approved Sea World’s $100...
View ArticleThe Harlequin Bass: An Exceptionally Hardy, Beginner-Friendly Marine Fish
Harlequin Bass (Serranus tigrinus)Prized for its striking patterning, modest adult size, exceptional hardiness, and overall adaptability, the harlequin bass (Serranus tigrinus), denizen of the tropical...
View ArticleWinners of the 2015 International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest
The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) 2015 brought in over 2,545 entries from 69 counties around the world. This is one epic aquascaping competition! Aquascaping is an art form that...
View ArticleReef Threads Podcast #248
It’s time for another podcast. This week we are excited to have Alex Rose join us, after a long absence, to talk about the Elysium Artists for the Arctic expedition. Don’t miss this one. It’s a...
View ArticleUnpleasant Ocean Encounter Saves Man’s Life
This is a story that you just don’t hear every day. And while really it has nothing to do with shark attacks, its a pleasant twist on an otherwise unlucky brush with fate. Eugene Finney, from...
View ArticleThe Green Brittle Star: Little Fishy, Beware!
Green brittle star (Ophiarachna incrassata)“Voracious predator” is not a term one commonly associates with brittle stars—that is, of course, unless the brittle star in question happens to be...
View ArticleThieves Caught On TV As They Try To Steal Aquarium
These may be some of the dumbest criminals ever. These twenty-somethings in Britain were caught on camera trying to steal an aquarium in Britain from Contact Pets aquarium store in Wales. The three...
View ArticleCould California’s ban of Sea World’s breeding program backfire?
Years ago when I worked for the Beautiful Oceans Academy, I was introduced to a lot of high profile conservationists. Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd, Phillipe Cousteau of Earth Eco, Stan Waterman...
View ArticleJuvenile Queen Triggerfish
Good morning friends, I’m at work alone today, our crew, the sub and ship all left for another 2 day trip to Klein Curacao to further explore the unknown depths of that little island. I had to stay...
View ArticleDon’t Overestimate Piscine Individualism!
Undulate triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus) are well-known for their belligerent natureLFS staffer to customer eyeing sohal tang as potential purchase: “Hmm, I don’t think that fish would be a good...
View ArticleThe Value of a Fish
Discordipinna griessingeri (Flaming Prawn Goby) acclimating at a retailer. Credit: Austin Lefevre It’s a fish eat fish world out there. Wild fishes face daunting lives in nature; everything in the...
View ArticleLong Island Collecting Log: The perks of persistence
By October, spotfin butterflyfish are putting on some serious size. As the water temperature continues to drop in the waters of New York, north winds and fall nor’easters do their part to diminish...
View ArticleAn Unusual Gorgonian
Good morning friends, I have a wild looking gorgonian for you all today that reminded me immediately of Medusa and her wild hair made of snakes! I have never seen a gorgonian that had arms like this,...
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